摘 要
昆虫分龄研究是开展生物学研究的重要内容,幼虫准确分龄是其生物学、生态学及防控研究的基础。香樟齿喙象Pagiophloeus tsushimanus隶属鞘翅目Coleoptera)象虫科Curculionidae魔喙象亚科Molytinae树皮象族Hylobiini齿喙象属Pagiophloeus,是一种生活隐蔽的钻蛀性害虫。 本研究通过对香樟齿喙象幼虫分龄的研究,目的是探讨多峰拟合用于香樟齿喙象幼虫分龄研究的适合性,期望为测量指标重叠区虫龄划分提供实现途径;明确香樟齿喙象各龄幼虫形态指标极差并验证戴氏法则,为进一步开展香樟齿喙象生物学、生态学及防控研究打下基础。收集了461头不同发育阶段的幼虫,测量其上颚长,头壳长以及头壳宽三个形态指标,利用频次分布,综合戴氏法来判断幼虫龄期。算出各龄幼虫测量数据的平均值、增长率、误判率和极差。3种指标的测定数据各自出现频次相对集中的5个区域,分别将头壳长与头壳宽、头壳长与上颚宽、头壳宽与上颚宽结合一起,综合分布结果也可以明显分为5个密集区域。由此推断一个集中区域代表一个龄期,香樟齿喙象幼虫龄期数为5。
Determination and study of larval age of Pagiophloeus tsushimanus
The study on insect age groups is an important part of biological research, the accurate age groups of larvae is the basis of its biological, ecological and prevention and control studies. Pagiophloeus tsushimanus belongs to the Hylobiini Pagiophloeus of Molytinae of Curculionidae of Coleoptera, and it is a kind of boring insect that lives very secluded. In this study,through the research on the age of the Pagiophloeus tsushimanus, to investigate the suitability of multi peak fitting for the study of the age of the larva of Pagiophloeus tsushimanus, expected to provide a way to realize the division of age of insects in the overlapping areas; To explicit the range of morphological indicators of the Pagiophloeus tsushimanus larvae and to verify the method of Davidson, to lay the foundation for further research on biology, ecology and prevention and control of Pagiophloeus tsushimanus. Collect 461 larvae at different developmental stages, measu three morphological indexes of their upper jaw length, head length and head width, determine larval instar by frequency distribution and comprehensive Davidson method.The 5 regions where the frequency is relatively concentrated of the measurement data of the three indexes were the combination of the head length and head width, the head length and width,the head width and maxillary width, the results of comprehensive distribution can also be divided into five dense areas. It is inferred that a concentrated area represented a single instar, and the number of the Pagiophloeus tsushimanus larvae is five.
Keywords: Pagiophloeus tsushimanus; larval instar; frequency distribution
前 言
1. 国内外同类研究近况
1.1 苹小吉丁(鞘翅目:吉丁甲科)幼虫龄数的测定
1.2 榆木蠹蛾幼虫龄数的确定
1.3 香樟齿喙象鉴别特征
1.4 研究思路及研究目的和意义
2. 材料与方法
2.1 研究区概况
2.2 取样方法
2.3 分龄指标及测量
2.4 数据统计分析
3. 结果与分析
3.1 频次分布
3.2 综合分布
3.3 香樟齿喙象幼虫的龄数检验
3.4 香樟齿喙象幼虫各龄测量指标与龄数之间的关系拟合
4. 结论与讨论
4.1 香樟齿喙象幼虫龄数的确定
4.2 最佳分龄指标
4.3 对香樟齿喙象幼虫分龄的影响因素
前 言
生态学及防控研究的基础。香樟齿喙象(Pagiophloeus tsushimanus)隶属鞘翅目
(Coleoptera)象虫科(Curculionidae)魔喙象亚科(Molytinae)树皮象族(Hylobiini) 齿喙象属 Pagiophloeus,是一种生活隐蔽的钻蛀性害虫[1]。目前,发现其仅危害香樟,香樟是其唯一的食物来源:取食寄主与产卵寄主均为香樟。且该害虫生活隐蔽,难于防治。幼虫取食危害香樟的韧皮部,危害严重时会导致树木衰落,树皮爆裂,给香樟资源和绿化林带造成巨大的经济损失。