摘 要
WRKY转录因子参与植物的各种防卫反应,调节植物的生长发育;该类型转录因子N一端含有WRKYGQK高度保守氨基酸序列,能够与(T)(T)TGAC(C/T)序列发生特异性作用,作用启动子中的W-box元件调控基因表达。本论文基于樟树高通量转录组测序数据,设计特异引物,以“芳樟醇型樟”不同组织总RNA进行cDNA反转录,共克隆和鉴定出WRKY5、WRKY6和WRKY7三个基因。这些编码WRKY5、WRKY6和WRKY7蛋白均含有一个保守结构域,其锌指结构为C2-HC(C-X7-C-X23-H-X1-C)型;cDNA中开放阅读框的长度分别为945bp、1098bp、1035bp,分别可编码315、345、366个氨基酸;樟树WRKY蛋白的二级结构以无规则卷曲和α-螺旋为主。根据樟树叶部精油所含的主要成分不同,可将樟树分为五类:樟脑型,主要成分为樟脑;芳樟醇型,主要成分为芳樟醇;桉叶油素型,主要成分桉油素;异橙花叔醇类,主要成分为;龙脑型,主要成分为龙脑。实时定量PCR技术检测发现WRKY5和 WRKY6在芳樟醇型中的表达量明显高于桉叶油素型樟和异橙花叔醇类樟,而WRKY7在桉叶油素型樟中的表达量最高。在芳樟醇型樟不同组织中的表达情况不尽相同:WRKY5和WRKY6在茎中的表达量相对较高,其次是叶和花;而WRKY7基因在叶中的表达量大于茎中的表达量。
Molecular Cloning and Expression of
WRKY Gene from Camphor
WRKY transcription factors involved in various defense responses of plants. Due to the N-terminal ends of WRKY transcription factor contains highly conserved amino acid sequence WRKYGQK, and it can regulate the target genes expression that contain the W-box elements in the promoter regions by specifically binding to (T)(T)TGAC(C/T) sequence. This thesis based on the camphor high-throughput transcription sequencing data, designed the desired primers, synthesized cDNA from total RNA extracted from different tissues, cloned and screened three genes WRKY5、WRKY6 and WRKY7of aromatic camphor. Three genes WRKY5、WRKY6 and WRKY7 contain a conserved domain, the zinc finger structure is C2-HC (C-X7-C-X23-H-X1-C). The open reading frames of these three genes are 945bp、1098bp、1035bp, encoding 315、366、345 amino acids. According to the main components contained in the oil of camphor leaves, camphor can be divided into five categories: camphor type, the main component is camphor; linalool type, the main component is linalool; eucalyptol type, the main component of eucalyptol; isonerolidol type, the main component is isonerolidol; borneol type, the main component is borneol. In addition, the expression of WRKY5, WRKY6 and WRKY7 genes in different chemical camphor trees was detected by real-time quantitative PCR. The expression of WRKY5 and WRKY6 in the linalool type was significantly higher than that in the eucalyptol type and isonerolidol type, while the expression of WRKY7 is the highest amount. The expression of WRKY5 and WRKY6 in stem was relatively high, followed by leaf and flower. The expression of WRKY7 gene in leaves was higher than that in stem the amount.
Key words:Cinnamomum camphora;WRKY gene;sequence analysis;expression pattern
目 录
1 文献综述 1
1.1 樟树简介 1
1.2 WRKY转录因子研究进展 1
1.2.1 WRKY转录因子简介 2
1.2.2 WRKY转录因子结构特点 3
1.2.3 WRKY转录因子生物学功能 3
1.3 本论文研究目的及意义 4
2 樟树WRKY基因的克隆 5
2.1 实验材料 5
2.2 实验方法 5
2.2.1 樟树总RNA的提取与纯化 5
2.2.2 反转录cDNA 6
2.2.3 引物设计 7
2.2.4 PCR扩增 7
2.2.5 目的片段回收 8
2.2.6 T载体连接与转化 9
2.2.7 重组子PCR检测 9
2.3 实验结果与分析 10
2.3.1 樟树WRKY基因开放阅读框序列分析 10
2.3.2 樟树WRKY蛋白序列比对分析 11
2.3.3 樟树WRKY蛋白二级结构分析 15
2.3.4 樟树WRKY蛋白三级结构分析 17
2.3.5 樟树WRKY蛋白亲/疏水性分析 17
3 樟树WRKY基因表达分析 20
3.1 实验材料 20
3.2 实验方法 20
3.2.1 不同化学型樟树叶精油成分及含量测定 20
3.2.2 樟树RNA提取 20
3.2.3 实时定量PCR引物扩增 20
3.2.4 RNA反转录获得cDNA 21
3.2.5 实时定量PCR 21
3.3 实验结果与分析 22
3.3.1不同化学型樟树叶精油成分及含量测定 22
3.3.2 实时定量引物检测 23
3.3.3 WRKY基因在不同化学型樟树叶中的表达分析 24
3.3.4 WRKY基因在芳樟醇型樟的表达分析 26
4 结 论 28
4.1 樟树WRKY基因的克隆与分析 28
4.2 樟树WRKY基因的表达分析 28
4.3 研究展望 28
致 谢 29
参考文献 30
1 文献综述
1.1 樟树简介
樟(Cinnamomum camphora),常绿大乔木,高可达30m,直径可达3m,树冠广卵形;枝、叶及木材均有樟脑气味;树皮黄褐色,有不规则的纵裂。顶芽广卵形或圆球形,鳞片宽卵形或近圆形,外面略被绢状毛。枝条圆柱形,淡褐色,无毛。叶互生,卵状椭圆形,长6-12cm,宽2.5-5.5cm叶端急尖,基部宽楔形至近圆形,边缘全缘,软骨质,有时呈微波状,上面绿色或黄绿色,有光泽,下面黄绿色或灰绿色,晦暗,两面无毛或下面幼时略被微柔毛,具离基三出脉,有时过渡到基部具不显的5脉,中脉两面明显,上部每边有侧脉1-3-5(7)条基生侧脉向叶缘一侧有少数支脉,侧脉及支脉脉腋上面明显隆起下面有明显腺窝,窝内常被柔毛;叶柄纤细,长2-3cm,腹凹背凸,无毛。圆锥花序腋生,长3.5-7cm,具梗,总梗长2.5-4.5cm,与各级序轴均无毛或被灰白至黄褐色微柔毛,被毛时往往在节上尤为明显。花绿白或带黄色,长约3mm;花梗长1-2mm毛。花被外面无毛或被微柔毛,内面密被短柔毛,花被筒倒锥形,长约1mm,花被裂片椭圆形,长约2mm。能育雄蕊9,长约2mm,花丝被短柔毛。退化雄蕊3,位于最内轮,箭头形,长约1mm,被短柔毛。子房球形,长约1mm,无毛,花柱长约1mm。果卵球形或近球形,直径6-8mm,紫黑色;果托杯状,长约5mm,顶端截平,宽达4mm,基部宽约1mm,具纵向沟纹。花期4-5月,果期8-11月。