摘 要
在各个样地中,采集并鉴定昆虫标本,共137种,隶属11目、67科。包括蜻蜓目Odonata 3种;半翅目Hemiptera 29种;鳞翅目Lepidoptera 57种;鞘翅目Coleoptera 33种;膜翅目Hymenoptera 6种;双翅目Diptera 1种;脉翅目Neuroptera 2种;革翅目Dermaptera 1种;直翅目Orthoptera 3种;缨翅目Thysanoptera 1种;啮虫目 Corrodentia 1种。
Investigation and species identification of insect resources in square green space in Shanghai City
For conservation of insect biodiversity, making knowledge of the occurrence, distribution and damage of forest insect pests in square green space in Shanghai city as well as for the purpose of catalog insect species, revision and complement of the existing insect specimens, filed survey was carried out systematically in several squares from April 1 2017 to May 12 2017.
In each sample fields, some specimens were collected and 137 species were identified belonging to 11 orders and 68 families. Among them, 3 species belonged to Odonata, 29 species belonged to Hemiptera, 57 species belonged to Lepidoptera, 33 species belonged to Coleoptera, 6 species belonged to Hymenoptera, 1 species belonged to Diptera, 2 species belonged to Neuroptera, 1 species belonged to Dermaptera, 3 species belonged to Orthoptera, 1 species belonged to Thysanoptera, and 1 species belonged to Corroodentia.
The community structure, fauna, pests and natural enemies of insects were analyzed, and the insect pest control strategies and natural enemy insect protection measures were discussed, and some suggestions were put forward for insect resource management.
Key words: square green space; insect resources; insect fauna; insect community; pest
目 录
前言 1
1 研究概况 2
1.1 上海市自然地理概况 2
1.2 上海广场绿地研究概况 2
1.3 上海林业有害生物发生危害情况 2
1.4 上海林业有害生物防治情况 3
2 材料与方法 4
2.1 调查工具 4
2.1.1 采集记录工具 4
2.1.2 标本制作工具 4
2.2 调查方法 4
2.3 采集方法 4
2.4 标本制作与鉴定 5
3 结果与分析 6
3.1 广场绿地昆虫资源 6
3.1.1 昆虫群落的种类组成 6
3.1.2 不同植被间昆虫分布的特点 7
3.2 昆虫的区系特征 8
3.3 昆虫的群落结构及特征 9
3.3.1 优势科 9
3.3.2 优势种 9
3.4 害虫及天敌亚群落种类组成 9
3.4.1 广场绿地林业害虫分析 9
3.4.2 天敌昆虫及特征 13
3.5 广场绿地林业害虫防治策略 14
3.6 广场绿地昆虫资源管理 15
4 结论与讨论 16
4.1 主要结论 16
4.2 不足与展望 17
致谢 18
参考文献 19
附录 20
前 言
由于全球气候变化,人类活动对森林生态系统的影响加剧,我国林业有害生物发生面积居高不下,随着国际贸易的日益频繁和旅游业的快速发展,外来林业有害生物的入侵,使我国的森林资源遭到严重破坏,甚至在局部地区形成难以逆转的生态灾难。且昆虫是生物界最大的家族, 昆虫种类的多样性是生物多样性的典型代表[1]。昆虫多样性是生物多样性的重要组成部分,它在维持生态平衡、农作物传粉、生物防治、医药保健及作为轻工业原料等方面起着重要作用[2]。林木虫害是贯穿林木生长整个过程中的问题,对林木各个阶段的生长都具有非常大的危害,其涉及面积广、范围大,如果处理不当很可能会导致大面积的林木枯死,给全市经济带来严重损失[3]。
1 研究概况
1.1 上海市自然地理概况
1.1 上海广场绿地研究概况