摘 要
Investigation and Species Identification of Insect natural enemies of insect in Urban Green Space in Shanghai
In recent years, biological control has become a popular means of urban pest control. In order to protect the ecological health of garden greenbelt, to control pests and diseases, to promote the implementation of biological control technology, we cataloged the natural species of natural enemies of greenbelt. We conducted systematic system of green natural enemies insect resources in parks and parks in Shanghai from April to May in 2017 survey.
The survey focused on the urban green space park in Shanghai, involving a total of five districts, surveyed nine locations, including urban parks, green areas, forest belts and so on. After a long period of time, we collected a total of 130 specimens, identified by the natural enemy insects 25 species belonging to 8 orders, 13 subjects. Among them, there were 4 species of Hymenoptera 4 families, 3 species of Diptera 2 families, 6 species of Coleoptera 6 families, 2 species of 2 families of Lepidoptera, 3 species of Ophiopogonidae 1, 2 species of Orthoptera, 2 of mantis Branch 1 species, Hemiptera 1 family 4 species. The total number of insects collected from the main insects was Coleoptera, and the total number of natural enemies was less. The conclusions were as follows: the diversity of insects and habitat and artificial activities were analyzed..
.Key words: shanghai;park;Insects of natural enemies;survey
前言 1
1. 研究概况 2
1.1 国内天敌昆虫研究概况 2
1.2上海绿地天敌昆虫利用的研究概况 2
1.3上海市公园绿地环境概况 2
2 材料与方法 4
2.1样地选择 4
2.2调查工具 4
2.2.1 采集记录工具 4
2.2.2 标本制作工具 4
2.3 昆虫采集方法 4
2.4 昆虫标本的制作、鉴定 5
3结果与分析 6
3.1天敌昆虫的形态及利用 6
3.1.1膜翅目(Hymenoptera) 6
3.1.2双翅目(Diptera) 7
3.1.3鞘翅目 (Coleoptera) 8
3.1.4 脉翅目(Neuroptera) 9
1) 中华草蛉(Chrysoperla sinica Tjeder) 9
3.1.5蜻蜓目(Odonata) 10
3.1.6直翅目(Orthoptera) 11
3.1.7螳螂目(Mantodea) 11
3.1.8半翅目(Hemiptera) 12
3.2 不同样地的天敌昆虫 13
3.2.1天敌昆虫种数分析 13
3.2.2天敌昆虫捕捉个数分析 14
3.2.3天敌种类分析 15
4结论与讨论 16
4.1结论 16
4.2讨论 16
4.3展望 16
致 谢 17
参考文献 18
附录:上海市公园绿地天敌昆虫名录 20
城市园林绿地作为城市唯一具有生命的基础设施,以丰富的园林植物,完整的绿地系统,优美的景观和完备的设施发挥改善城市生态,美化城市环境的作用,为广大人民群众提供休息、游览,开展科学文化活动的园地,增进人民身心健康;同时还承担着保护、繁殖、研究珍稀、濒危物种的任务。在改善城市环境质量、美化城市景观方面有着不可替代的作用, 同时它还是城市生态系统的一部分,在保持整个城市的生态平衡方面有着积极作用,是城市建设的重要组成部分,也是实现城市可持续发展战略的重要生态措施[1]。