摘 要
过氧化物酶(POD)广泛存在高等植物中,研究表明POD在植物的抗逆性方面有重要作用。本文利用RACE技术从鹅掌楸中克隆了1个POD基因的全长cDNA,并对其cDNA序列和基因组序列进行了分析。POD基因编码序列全长为1246bp,包含一个795bp最大读码框(ORF),编码321个氨基酸。利用ProtParam工具预测POD基因编码蛋白的分子量为35.54 kDa,理论等电点为6.00。丝氨酸( Ser )与亮氨酸( Leu )的含量为9.3%,丙氨酸( Ala)与天冬氨酸(Asp)含量为7.5%,精氨酸(Arg)与甘氨酸( Gly)的含量为5.9%,分子式C1552H2456N438O484S17,预测半衰期约为30 h,POD基因编码蛋白稳定,为亲水性蛋白质。对POD基因编码的氨基酸序列与其他物种进行同源性比对,发现它们之间的相似性达到76.69%,鹅掌楸POD基因与无油樟POD基因相似度最高。本文研究结果可为鹅掌楸抗逆基因的挖掘与育种应用提供参考。
Cloning and Sequence Analysis of Peroxidase Gene from Liriodendron chinense Sarg.
The peroxidase exists in higher plants extensively. According to the research, POD plays an important role in the resistance of plants. The RACE technology was applied in the experiment. Firstly, a complete cDNA of POD gene was cloned from Liriodendron chinense. Then its gene sequence was analyzed. The cDNA full-length was 1246bp, with 795bp ORF encoding 321 amino acids. The ProtParam was applied to predict the molecular mass, the isoelectric point, and the content of various amino acid of POD protein. The molecular mass of the encoded protein, is 35.51KDa. The isoelectric point is 6.00. The content of serine and leucine is 9.3%.The content of alanine and asphaltic acid is 7.5%.The content of arginine and glycine is 5.9%. Its molecular formula is C1552H2456N438O484S17 .The half- life is 30h.The protein for the POD gene is stable and hydrophilic. Sequence alignment of amino acids revealed that POD shared more than 76.69% homology with POD from plants of Amborella trichopoda. These results may provide theoretical and experimental basis for mining the drought-tolerance gene and breeding of Liriodendron..
Key words: L. chinense; POD gene; gene cloning; sequence analysis, homology analysis
目录 3
1 文献综述 5
1.1 过氧化物酶简介 5
1.11过氧化物酶作用机理 5
1.12 过氧化物酶的分布 5
1.13过氧化物酶的功能 6
1.2过氧化物酶基因克隆研究进展 6
1.3鹅掌楸属树种研究进展 7
1.4研究目的及意义 8
2 材料与方法 9
2.1试验材料 9
2.1.1植物材料 9
2.1.2菌株和载体 9
2.1.3试验试剂 9
2.1.4培养基及主要试剂的配制 9
2.1.5仪器设备及耗材 10
2.1.6引物合成与测序 10
2.2试验方法 10
2.2.1 RNA的提取与纯化 10
2.2.2 RNA检测 11
2.2.3鹅掌楸POD基因中间片段PCR扩增 11
2.2.4鹅掌楸POD基因RACE扩增 12
2.2.5鹅掌楸POD基因全长cDNA序列的PCR扩增 15
2.2.6鹅掌楸POD基因的生物信息学分析 16
3 结果与分析 17
3.1鹅掌楸POD基因全长cDNA获得及序列分析 17
3.2鹅掌楸POD基因编码蛋白理化性质分析 18
3.3鹅掌楸POD基因编码蛋白疏水性分析 18
3.4鹅掌楸POD基因编码蛋白跨膜域分析 18
3.5鹅掌楸POD基因编码蛋白二级和三级结构分析 19
3.6 鹅掌楸POD基因的同源性分析 21
3.7 POD基因编码蛋白的进化树分析 21
4 结论与讨论 23
致谢 24
参考文献 25
1 文献综述
1.1 过氧化物酶简介
过氧化物酶(Peroxidase)催化过氧化氢和有机过氧化物,对各种有机物和无机物的氧化作用。其分子量范围35000~100000,其中含铁PX是一类结构相似、功能相同的酶,它们都通过一个二质子二电子还原过程催化H2O2对底物AH的氧化[1]:H2O2 2AH→ 2H2O A2反应过程可简单描述为: