摘 要
交替氧化酶(AOX)是交替呼吸途径末端氧化酶,广泛存在于高等植物中。研究表明AOX对于植物的生长发育及抗逆性有重要的作用。在逆境条件下,细胞色素呼吸途径受到抑制,植物通过加强交替呼吸来消除过剩的电子从而避免植物受到损伤。木兰科鹅掌楸(Liriodendron chinense)为珍贵用材及园林观赏树种,挖掘鹅掌楸适应性相关基因,对于提高鹅掌楸适应性有重要意义。本文对实验前期已获得的AOX1基因编码蛋白进行生物信息学分析,利用qRT-PCR方法研究鹅掌楸AOX1基因的组织表达模式,并采用双酶切的方法构建鹅掌楸AOX1基因超表达载体。主要研究结果如下:
Quantitative expression analysis and construction of over expression vector of AOX1 Gene from Liriodendron chinese
Alternative oxidase (AOX) is a terminal oxidase of the alternative respiratory pathway, which is widespread in higher plants. Studies have shown that AOX plays an important role in the growth and development of plants. Cytochrome respiratory pathway was inhibited under the adverse circumstances, while plants will eliminate excess electrons by increasing the amount of respiration in order to avoid damage to them. Magnoliaceae Liriodendron (Liriodendron chinense) is an important and precious timber ornamental species. Researching and utilizing Liriodendron adaptive gene has the important significance to improve the adaptability of Liriodendron. In this paper, we conduct the bioinformatics analysis of AOX1 gene encoding protein which is already obtained in the early stage of the experiment and study on the expression of LcAOX1 by the method of qPCR model. Also, we use the method of double digestion to construct over expression vector construction of LcAOX1.The main results are as follows:
The full length of AOX1 gene is 1220bp with an open reading frame(ORF) of 1032 bp. This gene encoded a protein of 343 amino acids. Basing on the bioinformatics analysis, the protein is hydrophilic and has two transmembrane regions. Basing on the subcellular localization prediction, we predict that the protein is located in mitochondria. Homology analysis showed that C terminal of the protein was highly conserved and the phylogenetic analysis showed that the protein is a member of the AOX1 subfamily which has the closer relationship with tomato and grape.
There are noticeable differences in the expression quantity of AOX1 in diverse tissues of Liriodendron and the order of expression level from high to low is stamens, petals, calyx, leaf, flower bud, leaf bud, stem and pistil. It holds the highest expression level in the stamen which is about 2.7 times of the leaf. Also, it has the lowest expression quantity in the stem which is just about 40% of the leaf.
We use pCAMIA1302 as the skeleton and construct the over expression vector of LcAOX1 by double digestion method. Also, according to sequencing test, we can ensure the positive insertion of the recombinant plasmid without changing the ectopic site which establishes the foundation for further validation of transgenic function.
Key words:Liriodendron chinese, AOX1 gene,sequence analysis, expression quantity analysis, construction of over expression vector
目 录
1文献综述 1
1.1 AOX基因研究概述 1
1.1.1 AOX基因结构 1
1.1.2 AOX基因功能 2
1.2植物表达载体构建方法 3
1.2.1双酶切法 3
1.2.2 Gateway技术 4
1.2.3重组融合PCR法 4
1.3鹅掌楸研究进展 5
1.3.1鹅掌楸生活习性 5
1.3.2鹅掌楸生物学研究 5
1.3.3鹅掌楸属植物功能基因研究概况 5
1.4目的与意义 6
2材料与方法 7
2.1鹅掌楸AOX1基因生物信息学分析 7
2.1.1实验材料 7
2.1.2实验方法 8
2.2鹅掌楸AOX1基因表达模式分析 10
2.2.1实验材料 10
2.2.2实验方法 10
2.3鹅掌楸AOX1基因过表达载体构建 12
2.3.1实验主要仪器 12
2.3.2实验试剂 12
2.3.3实验方法 13
3结果与分析 16
3.1鹅掌楸AOX1基因生物信息学分析 16
3.1.1总RNA提取 16
3.1.2鹅掌楸AOX1基因的序列分析 16
3.1.3鹅掌楸AOX1基因编码蛋白分析 17
3.2鹅掌楸AOX1表达模式分析 21
3.2.1总RNA提取和质量检测 21
3.2.2鹅掌楸AOX1基因组织表达特性分析 22
3.3鹅掌楸AOX1基因超表达载体构建 23
4结论与讨论 25
4.1结论 25
4.2讨论 25
参考文献 27
1.1 AOX基因研究概述
图1-1线粒体呼吸链示意图 [[4]]