摘 要
Analysis on the Difference of Growth and Medicinal Quality of Hippophae rhamnoides L Seedlings from Different Provenances
In this study, we studied the annual dynamics of the growth of the seedlings and the content of the medicinal components in the leaves of the five annual provinces (autonomous regions) in the natural distribution area of Hippophae rhamnoides L. And the comprehensive evaluation of the selection of medicinal good Hippophae rhamnoides L provenance for the future selection of medicinal Hippophae rhamnoides L provenance, the development of theoretical basis. The main results are as follows: (1) The annual growth dynamics of seedling height and ground diameter of Hippophae rhamnoides L seedlings were similar to those of "S" type, and the difference was significant in different months. The There were significant differences in seedling height, ground diameter, seedling height increment and diameter increment among different provenances. (2) The annual dynamics of total flavonoids in annual seedling of Hippophae rhamnoides L from different provenances showed the " decrease-increase-decrease-increase" fluctuation, the highest in July; The annual dynamics of triterpenoids showed a trend of "decrease – increase", the highest in September; The annual dynamics of polysaccharide content showed a trend of "increase - decrease", the highest in June. The content of total flavonoids in different provenances was significantly different (p lt;0.01), and the content of triterpenes was significantly different (p lt;0.05), but the content of polysaccharides was not significant (pgt; 0.05). (3) The three provenances of Etuoke, Laobaigou and Guyang were screened out, which showed that the growth rate was high and the content of medicinal ingredients was high, which was suitable for the promotion of medicinal provenances.
Key words:Provenance; growth; medicinal; difference
目 录
引 言 1
1 沙棘研究进展 3
1.1 我国沙棘育种研究概况 3
1.1.1 中国沙棘的引种驯化与联合选择 3
1.1.2 中国沙棘地理种源和优良类型的选择 4
1.1.3 中国沙棘优良个体及优良品种的选育 5
1.1.4 中国沙棘杂交育种及杂种的优势利用 6
1.2 沙棘叶研究概况 8
1.2.1 沙棘叶的饲用价值 8
1.2.2 沙棘的有效成分及药用价值 8
2 材料与方法 9
2.1 试验地概况 9
2.2 实验材料 9
2.3 技术路线 10
2.4 实验方法 11
2.4.1 苗期生长指标测定 11
2.4.2 叶中药用成分测定 11
2.4.3 综合评价及叶用优良种源筛选 12
2.5 数据处理与分析 13
3 结果与分析 13
3.1 不同种源沙棘苗期生长动态分析 13
3.1.1 不同种源沙棘苗苗高生长规律分析 13
3.1.2 不同种源沙棘苗地径生长规律分析 15
3.2 不同种源沙棘苗叶片中药成分分析 16
3.2.1 不同种源沙棘苗叶中总黄酮含量差异分析 16
3.2.2 不同种源沙棘苗叶片中三萜类含量分析 17
3.2.3 不同种源沙棘苗叶中多糖含量分析 18
3.3 优良沙棘种源的综合选择 19
3.3.1 优良苗期速生种源的筛选 19
3.3.2 优良药用种源的筛选 19
4 讨论 20
4.1 不同种源一年生沙棘苗期生长差异 20
4.2 不同种源一年生沙棘苗叶中药用成分含量差异 20
结论 21
致谢 22
参考文献 23
引 言
沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoides L.),胡颓子科(Elaeagnaceaa)沙棘属(Hippophae),是一种多年生落叶灌木或乔木,也是一种新兴的小浆果类树种,主要分布在欧亚大陆温带地区。中国的沙棘资源最丰富、分布面积最广、种类最多,分布范围为三大植被区(即东南部湿润森林区、西北部草原荒漠区和青藏高寒植被区)的过渡地带,中国沙棘的主要分布区之一在内蒙古,集中分布在鄂尔多斯市、呼和浩特市和乌兰察布市。沙棘有着丰富的生态效益和经济价值,对气候和土壤也有较强的适应性,适宜栗钙土、灰钙土、棕钙土及草甸土等多种土壤类型,能够在地表土壤上生长。沙棘具有发达的侧根系统,极强的萌蘖性和空间扩展能力,这使其能适应干旱、贫瘠、盐碱等低质量土壤,并迅速生长成为森林,起到良好的水土保持和防风固沙作用,还可以明显改善土壤结构,改良土壤。因此沙棘成为荒漠化、半荒漠化地区用于水土保持、防风固沙的“生态先锋树种”[34]。沙棘的果实、种子、枝叶中含有许多不同种类的营养物质和生物活性物质,例如维生素、黄酮类化合物、三萜、脂肪酸类等。沙棘果中含有大量的维生素,素有“维生素宝库”“维生素C之王”“第三代水果”等美称[36]。其他各种生物活性物质不断地被提取出来加工制成各种保健品、药品、饲料以及化妆品等推向市场[22]。沙棘的生物量高、燃烧热值高、抗旱耐贫瘠,所以沙棘也是西北山区很好的农村能源树种[11]。沙棘作为一个集优良生态价值、经济价值和社会价值于一体的优秀树种,非常适合在一定范围进行推广种植。