摘 要
Differences’ Analysis on Seed Characters and Seedling Growth of
Hippophae rhamnoides L. with Ten Different Provenances
In the paper, the seed of Hippophae rhamnoidesfrom 10 natural distribution zone in 5 provinces was collected, and the characteristics of seed and one-year-old seedling were studied, includingseed traits, the growth of one-year-old seedling. Finally, the quality of seed and one-year-old seedling was evaluatedcomprehensivelyby using subordinate function. The results can provide theory foundations for further development of breeding and the development and utilization of Hippophae rhamnoidesL. The main results are as follows: (1)There was very significant difference on 1000-grain weight, seed length, seed width, seed thickness and seed shape coefficient among the ten provenances. The variation coefficients of Long Fenggou, Lao Baigou provenances were the smallest.(2)There was very significant difference on germination percentage, germination energy and the number of germination days among the ten provenances. Long Fenggou, Lao Baigou and Teni River were the high germination percentage, germination energy and the short germination days.(3)There was very significant difference on stem height, ground diameter, monthly increments and annual increments of them among the ten provenances. The stem height, ground diameter of Long Fenggou, Lao Baigou were a relatively long rapid growth stages. (4)The1000-grain weight improved with the increase of seed length and width; Seed length and width decided seed shape coefficient; the variation coefficient of seed length decreased with the increase of germination percentage; the variation coefficient of seed width decreased with the increase of germination energy; the number of germination days shortened with increase of germination energy and seed width. (5)As a conclusion, Seed qualities of Long Fenggou, Lao Baigou and Teni River are the best. And both Gu Yang and Lao Baigou are the best provenances in the seedling stage.
Key words: Hippophae rhamnoides L.; provenance; seed trait; seedling growth
目 录
引言 6
1 文献综述 7
1.1种源研究现状 7
1.1.1种子研究 7
1.1.2苗期生长过程及生长量研究 8
1.2 我国沙棘育种研究概况 9
1.2.1中国沙棘的引种驯化与联合选择 10
1.2.2中国沙棘地理种源和优良类型的选择 11
1.2.3中国沙棘优良个体及优良品种的选育 12
1.2.4中国沙棘杂交育种及杂种的优势利用 13
2 材料与方法 16
2.1 试验地概况 16
2.2试验材料 16
2.3方法 17
2.3.1种子长、宽、厚测定 17
2.3.2 种子千粒重测定 17
2.3.3 种子发芽率、发芽势测测定 17
2.3.4 苗期生长指标测定 17
2.3.5 综合评价并筛选优良叶用沙棘种源 18
2.4数据处理与分析 18
3 结果与分析 19
3.1 不同种源沙棘种子特性分析 19
3.1.1 不同种源沙棘种子千粒重与形状指标稳定性分析 19
3.1.2 不同种子的发芽品质差异分析 22
3.2 不同种源沙棘苗期生长动态分析 23
3.2.1 不同种源沙棘苗苗高生长规律分析 23
3.2.2 不同种源沙棘苗地径生长规律分析 25
3.2.3 不同种源沙棘苗期生长规律差异分析 26
3.3沙棘种子各指标与苗木各指标相关性分析 28
3.4 优良沙棘种源的综合选择 30
3.4.1 优良种质种源的筛选 30
3.4.2 优良苗期速生种源的筛选 30
4 讨论 31
4.1不同种源沙棘种子千粒重及形状指标差异 31
4.2 不同种源一年生沙棘苗期生长差异 32
5 结论 33
致谢 34
参考文献 35
引 言
随着对沙棘的生态、经济和社会价值认识的深入,沙棘在国内大面积种植,但是目前中国沙棘林质量较差,且产量不稳定(句富保,2001),故应选择性状稳定的优良沙棘种源进行种植,并进行推广应用。植物种子性状的稳定性是植物果实性状稳定性的标准(姜翠翠 等,2013),因而,对种子性状稳定性进行研究可作为评价果实性状稳定性的间接手段。此外,种子性状还是植物的一个关键且相对稳定的生活史特征,与种子传播、种子品质、种苗质量、植物生长史以及种子库的持久性等密切相关。优良沙棘种源的选择,除了考虑其生态适应性和果实的经济性状之外,还应考虑果实和种子性状的稳定性,沙棘复杂的生长环境条件,使其果实和种子性状稳定性研究更为重要(赵汉章,1995)。
1 文献综述