摘 要
Different families of seed traits of Melia azedarach evaluation and screening
Geographic variation of germplasm resources around Melia azedarach in this study carried out research on the variation of the 96 families of Melia azedarach fruits and seed kernel traits, the variation of traits among families and within the family. The main conclusions are as follows:
- provenances of 1000 grain weight, fruit size and seed size were significantly different, the weight is higher than the average of 24 families, accounting for 25%, fruit length is higher than the average of 41 families, accounting for 42.71%, higher than the average fruit width of 29 families, accounting for 30.21%, nuclear grown on the mean 43 families, accounting for 44.79%, higher than the average width of nuclear families with 31, accounting for 32.29%.
- the coefficient of variation among families from high to low weight, fruit width, fruit length, kernel width and kernel length, kernel shape coefficient, coefficient of fruit shape; coefficients from high to low nuclear length, kernel width, kernel shape coefficient, fruit length, fruit width, fruit shape coefficient. There were 52 families with less coefficient of variation in fruit length, 52 families below the width variability coefficient, 59 families below the coefficient of variation in nuclear length, and 57 families below the nuclear width variability coefficient.
(3) cluster analysis of nuclear shape index, fruit weight / based on 96 families will be divided into 5 categories, the first group of families showed grain weight, fruit size, nuclear size medium; second groups of family 1000 grain weight, fruit, kernel, kernel, nearly round fruit the circular; third taxa, 1000 grain weight, fruit, and nuclear size is very small, while the fruit shape coefficient and kernel shape coefficient is the biggest performance for the most slender; family 1000 grain weight of fourth taxa slightly higher than third and fifth, and the fruit length is less than third and fifth kinds of fruit, fruit shape and width is opposite. The nuclear shape coefficient and the first class; fifth groups of small fruit length, 1000 grain weight, seed slender.
(4) cluster analysis of nuclear shape index and coefficient of variation of fruit / based on 96 families will be divided into 7 categories, fruit size and shape coefficient of variation from low to high order seventh class fifth, class sixth, first class fourth, second class, third class; and nuclear size and the shape coefficient of variation from low to high order sixth class second, class seventh, first class third, class fourth, class fifth. The seventh group included 7, 72, 81, 36, 28, 67, 74, 80, 65, 11, 16, 23, 39, 98, 12, 68, 38, 64, 97, 103, 82, 91, a total of 22 families, the most stable fruit size and shape, namely uniform the degree is high, followed by fifth; the most stable sixth types of nuclear size and shape, high uniformity, followed by second.
Key words:Melia azedarach; family; genetic variation; screening
目 录
引言 1
1 研究概况 2
1.1林木地理变异研究 2
1.2林木种源试验 3
1.3苦楝地理变异与遗传改良研究 3
2 材料与方法 6
2.1供试家系 6
2.2果实的处理 6
2.3果核、种子表型性状测定 6
2.4数据统计分析 7
3 结果与分析 8
3.1不同家系苦楝种子千粒重差异分析 8
3.2不同家系苦楝果实形状差异分析 8
3.3不同家系苦楝种核形状差异分析 10
3.4不同苦楝家系果实/种核形状聚类分析及优良家系筛选 12
3.4.1基于千粒重及果实/种核形状指标的优良家系筛选 12
3.4.2基于果实/种核形状指标变异系数的家系筛选 15
4 讨论 18
5 结论 19
致 谢 20
参考文献 21
引 言