
 2021-04-23 10:04

摘 要

本文在南京浦口13年生的杨树人工林地内设置固定样地,调查了杨树人工林林下植被种类、数量及其养分状况,并探讨了林下植被不同管理方式对土壤性质的影响,以期为杨树人工林林下植被的科学管理和杨树人工林可持续经营提供参考。主要结果如下:(1)南京浦口杨树人工林林下植被生物量为1.58~2.85 t ha-1;(2)短期处理内(9个月)林下植被移出与否并未对土壤物理和生物学性质产生显著影响;但整体上,移出林下植被的处理(RU)的土壤孔隙度和微生物生物量碳、氮含量低于保留林下植被(CK)和割除并覆盖的处理(CU);(3)处理9个月后,保留林下植被的土壤脲酶和蔗糖酶活性高于另两个处理。研究结果表明,尽管在短期处理时间内,林下植被不同处理对土壤性质未产生显著的影响,但从长远来看,林下植被的去除对土壤的有关理化性质可能会有一定程度的负面影响。所以,保留杨树人工林的林下植被可能有利于人工林生态系统的功能稳定性,有利于人工林的可持续发展。


Effects of understory vegetation in a poplar plantation ecosystem


A survey of poplar plantation was selected to study the understory vegetation species, quantity and nutrient status and discuss the influence of different understory vegetation management on soil properties at Pukou Nanjing, in order to provide the reference to manage the poplar plantation. The main result was as follows: (1) Understory vegetation biomass in the poplar plantation was 1.58~2.85 t ha- 1. (2) Within short-term treatment (nine months), the understory vegetation removing treatment has no significant influence on the soil physical and biological properties. But on the whole, the porosity and soil microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen content of treatments which move out of the understory vegetation (RU) was lower than that of control (CK). (3) After treatment for 9 months, the soil urease and invertase activities of treatment which retain the understory vegetation were significantly higher than the other two treatments. The results also showed that the impact of understory vegetation treatments on the soil properties did not have a significant in the short processing time, but in the long term, the treatment of removing understory vegetation could have a great impact on the physical and chemical properties of soil. So, it is possible to preserve the functional stability of the forest ecosystem if the understory vegetation could be preserved, and it could be beneficial to the sustainable development of the plantations.

Key words:Understory vegetation; Soil porosity; Microbial biomass; Enzyme activity

目 录

1综述 1

1.1杨树人工林概况 1

1.1.1杨树人工林的发展 1

1.1.2杨树人工林存在的问题 1

1.2林下植被对人工林的作用研究 1

1.2.1林下植被的立地指示作用 2

1.2.2林下植被对地力的维持和土壤的改良作用 2

1.2.3林下植被在养分循环中的作用 3

1.3促进杨树人工林林下植被生长的措施 3

2试验材料与方法 5

2.1试验地概况 5

2.2试验设计与方法 5

2.3林下植被生物量测定 5

2.4植物和土壤指标测定方法 6

2.5数据处理 6

3结果与分析 7

3.1林下植被种类和养分状况 7

3.1.1林下植被主要种类 7

3.1.2林下植被养分浓度 8

3.1.3林下植被生物量及养分含量 8

3.2林下植被处理对土壤孔隙度的影响 9

3.2.1林下植被处理对0-5 cm土壤孔隙度的影响 9

3.2.2林下植被处理对5-10 cm土壤孔隙度的影响 9

3.2.3林下植被处理对10-20 cm土壤孔隙度的影响 10

3.3林下植被处理对土壤微生物生物量的影响 10

3.3.1林下植被处理对0-5 cm土壤微生物生物量碳的影响 10

3.3.2林下植被处理对5-10 cm土壤微生物生物量碳的影响 11

3.3.3林下植被处理对10-20 cm土壤微生物生物量碳的影响 12

3.3.4林下植被处理对0-5 cm土壤微生物生物量氮的影响 12

3.3.5林下植被处理对5-10 cm土壤微生物生物量氮的影响 13

3.3.6林下植被处理对10-20 cm土壤微生物生物量氮的影响 13

3.4林下植被处理对土壤酶活性的影响 14

3.4.1林下植被处理对0-5 cm土层脲酶活性的影响 14

3.4.2林下植被处理对5-10 cm土层脲酶活性的影响 15

3.4.3林下植被处理对10-20 cm土层脲酶活性的影响 15

3.4.4林下植被处理对0-5 cm土层蔗糖酶活性的影响 16

3.4.5林下植被处理对5-10cm土层蔗糖酶活性的影响 16

3.4.6林下植被处理对10-20cm土层蔗糖酶活性的影响 17

4讨论与结论 18

4.1讨论 18

4.2结论 18

致 谢 20

参考文献 21







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