
 2021-04-23 10:04

摘 要


  1. 土壤的pH值测定表明,0-15cm土层山体自西向东pH值呈先下降后上升的趋势,土层pH平均值变幅为5.64-6.12。15-30cm土层在西(上)和中(上)部位土层较薄,无法取样。自西向东pH值呈现先增大后减小的趋势。pH平均值变幅为5.74-6.12。各样点土层不同深度的pH值差异不大。
  2. 有机质含量结果显示,0-15 cm土层有机质含量平均值为21.44 g/kg,15-30 cm有机质含量平均值为16.8g/kg,上层土壤的有机质含量属于中等程度,而下层土壤则处于缺乏程度。上层含量中等,利于灌木和草本的生长。下层含量下降是由于植被枯落物主要集中于上层土壤,其分解作用增加了土壤有机质。

(3)土壤全氮的含量表明,0-15 cm土层自东向西有机质含量先增加后减少,土壤全氮含量随土层深度的增加成逐渐减少的趋势,因为氮素主要来源于生物有机体的积累,而上层无疑比下层积累更多的有机体和存在更多的腐殖质。

(4)土壤有效磷测定结果显示0-15 cm土层有效磷含量平均值为17.8 mg/kg,15-30 cm土层有效磷含量平均值为16.9 mg/kg,处于中等水平,0-15 cm土层山体自东向西有效磷含量呈先增加后减少的趋势,15-30 cm土层自东向西有效磷含量逐渐增加,在山体西部(下部)达到最大值29.5 mg/kg。山体中部有效磷含量比山体东、西部更丰富。上层土壤含量略高于下层的原因可能是植物和微生物对磷转化效果较好的原因。

其方差分析结果也表明山体上部0-15 cm土层有效磷含量平均值在东、中、西三个样点具有显著性。山体下部0-15 cm土层在东、中、西三个样点磷含量达到显著水平。在山体下部15-30 cm处的有效磷含量平均值在东、中、西三个样点不显著。

  1. 土壤速效钾含量表明0-15 cm土层速效钾含量平均值为71 mg/kg,15-30 cm土层速效钾含量平均值为28.24 mg/kg,上层处于较缺程度,下层土壤则处于缺的程度。由图6可知山体西部(中部)样点速效钾含量最高,占总含量的32%,其次是山体中部(上部)样点速效钾含量占到总体的21%。山体西部速效钾总含量占到了40%,山体东部速效钾总含量占总体的33%,山体中部速效钾含量最少,只占到总含量的27%。

其方差分析结果表明在山体下部15-30 cm处的速效钾含量平均值在东、中、西三个样点显著。在山体中部15-30 cm处的速效钾含量平均值在东、中、西三个样点更显著。山体西部(中部)0-15 cm土层与15-30 cm土层速效钾含量存在显著性,西部(下部)上下土层不显著。


Donghai county plume mountain difficult site soil condition investigation


In donghai county feather in lianyungang in jiangsu province as the research object, according to the actual development level, the soil will feather shannan surface mountain is divided into the upper, middle and lower three layers, each layer is divided into west, middle, east three directions, the different position and different layers of soil pH, soil organic matter, N, P, K, etc., the change rule of the site quality for its classification studies provide the theoretical data, the results showed that:

(1) the soil pH value determination showed that 0-15 cm soil pH value from the west to the east mountain upward trend after fall first, average soil pH range of 5.64 to 5.64. 15-30 cm soil layer (on) in the west (top) and parts of the soil layer is thinner, can't sampling. From west to east the pH showed a trend of decrease after the first increase. The average pH range of 5.74 to 5.74. All kinds of different depth of soil pH value difference.

(2) the organic matter content, according to the results of average 0-15 cm soil organic matter content is 21.44 g/kg, 15-30 cm average organic matter content is 16.8 g/kg, the upper layer of soil organic matter content is moderate, while the lower soil is lack of degree. The upper levels of medium, conducive to the growth of shrubs and herbs. Lower levels drop litter is due to the vegetation is mainly focused on the upper layer soil, the increased soil organic matter decomposition.

(3) the content of total nitrogen in soil showed that 0-15 cm soil from east to west organic content increased after decreased first, with the increase of soil depth into soil total nitrogen content gradually reduce the trend, because the nitrogen is mainly comes from the accumulation of organisms, and the upper than the lower accumulate more and more humus of organisms.

(4) the determination of available p in soil results show 0-15 cm soil available p content in average of 17.8 mg/kg, 15-30 cm soil layer average effective phosphorus content is 16.9 mg/kg, in the medium level, 0 to 15 cm soil mountains from east to west effective phosphorus content showed a trend of increased after decreased first, 15-30 cm soil effective phosphorus content increases gradually from east to west, in the western mountain (bottom) peak of 29.5 mg/kg. In a effective phosphorus content more rich than mountain east and west. The upper soil content is slightly higher than the lower level may be the cause of plants and microorganisms on phosphorus transformation effect is a good reason. The variance analysis results also show that the upper mountain 0-15 cm soil layer average effective phosphorus content in eastern, central and western three sample points is significant. Mountain lower 0-15 cm soil layer in eastern, central and western three sample phosphorus reached significant level. 15 to 30 cm at the bottom of the mountain of the average effective phosphorus content in eastern, central and western three sample was not significant.

(5) the soil available potassium content showed that 0-15 cm soil available potassium content in average of 71 mg/kg, 15-30 cm soil available potassium content in average of 28.24 mg/kg, the upper is a lack of degree, the lower the degree of soil is in lack. Figure 6 illustrates the mountain west (central) sample rapidly-available potassium content is the highest, accounting for 32% of the total content, the second is the central mountain (upper) sample rapidly-available potassium content is 21% of the total. Phosphorus total potassium content accounted for 40% in western mountain, the mountain east of rapidly-available potassium content of total accounted for 33% of overall, central mountain rapidly-available potassium content is the least, account for only 27% of the total content. The variance analysis results showed that the 15 to 30 cm at the bottom of the mountain of average rapidly-available potassium content in eastern, central and western three sample points. In the central mountain 15-30 cm in average rapidly-available potassium content in eastern, central and western three sample more prominent. Mountain to the west (central) 0-15 cm soil layer with 15 to 30 cm soil available potassium content is significant, the western (bottom) and soil was not significant.

Keywords:Feather mountain;The classficatian and the ground;Soil nutrients.

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