
 2021-04-23 10:04

摘 要







The research of corrosion characteristics of soil in XiaoWu Mountain


This article USES the research methods of field investigation, sampling and indoor analysis, research the wushan basin desert, grassland, cultivated land, forest land, orchard, terraces, the quay seven different land use types of soil erosion resistance characteristics. In combination with the physical and chemical properties of the soil (sand, silt, clay and organic carbon content), the basin soil erosion can be calculated by using EPIC model K , it is concluded that the K distribution range of 0.181-0.181, finally obtain the basin soil erosion can be K space distribution, the results are as follows:

(1) the study area soil corrosion K change the range of 0.182 to 0.182. The mean is 0.339, the variation coefficient was 12.9%, the study area belongs to the medium variation, shows that soil erosion can be K, there is a certain variability, but it is not too big.

(2) the research area of K distribution from the north and south on both sides to internal rise by regular type and zonal distribution obviously, overall slightly smaller than the south north of K, the K is relatively high in zonal distribution in the small watershed of the Midwest, the maximum is also located here. This kind of small watershed soil erosion can be caused by K distribution phenomenon has many causes, such as soil texture, terrain, altitude, climate, and so on natural factors, also have the impact of human activities, farming fertilizer, and so on human factors.

(3) the research area of seven different land use type, soil erosion can be K, the size of the order as follows: waste land gt; cultivated land gt; terrace gt; grassland gt; forest land gt; orchard gt;, this shows that can improve the soil properties, vegetation to improve the soil erosion resistance, reduce soil erosion intensity. , forestland, grassland and orchard on soil Kreduction of cultivated land and terrace, namely the increase of soil erosion resistance.

(4)Soil physical and chemical properties and mechanical composition and soil erosion has close relation with the K. The higher the carbon content of the soil corrosion K , the lower the soil particles, the thin soil corrosion K is higher.

Key words:ArcGIS;EPIC;Soil erodibility;Soil erosion;Land-use type

目 录

1绪论 1

1.1 选题及研究意义 1

1.2 国内外土壤侵蚀研究进展 2

1.2.1国外土壤侵蚀研究进展 2

1.2.2国内土壤侵蚀研究进展 3

2研究材料与方法 4

2.1研究区概况 4

2.2土壤样品采集及处理 4

2.3研究方法 5

2.3.1土壤可蚀性k值的计算方法 5

2.3.2土壤有机碳含量测定方法 6

2.3.3 地统计学方法 6

(1)半方差函数分析法 6

(2)克里格插值法 7

3.小流域尺度土壤可蚀因子空间特征研究 9

3.1土壤可蚀性K因子的描述性统计特征 9

3.2土壤可蚀性K因子的空间变异特征 9

3.3不同植被类型土壤可蚀性K因子空间变异特征 13

3.3.1土壤有机质对可蚀性K因子的影响 13

3.3.2土壤机械组成对抗蚀性的影响 14

结 论 16

致 谢 17

参考文献 18


1.1 选题及研究意义



土壤侵蚀(soil erosion)在学术界中解释诸多,在我国的文献中多引用以下两个定义:《中国大百科全书·水利卷》(1992)将土壤侵蚀定义为,土壤及其母质在水力、冻融、重力等外营力作用下,被破坏、剥蚀、搬运和沉积的过程;《中国水利百科全书·水土保持分册》(2004)则定义土壤侵蚀是土壤或其他地面组成物质在水力、风力、冻融、重力等外营力作用下,被剥蚀、破坏、分离、搬运和沉积的过程[3]


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