
 2021-04-23 10:04

摘 要

为了有效提高岩壁与喷施基质界面融合性,揭示喷播基质中土壤菌不同配置对植物的影响机制,筛选出优势土壤菌配置模式。以适应性极强的紫穗槐(Amorpha fruticosa)为试验材料,将筛选鉴定的三种土壤菌:细菌苏云金杆菌(nl-11)、真菌卵形孢球托霉(nl-15)和放线菌嗜热一氧化碳链霉菌(nl-1),配置成无菌(对照组)、单菌、两种菌混合和三种菌混合,共8种配置方式等比例混入基质中进行温室盆栽试验,分别观测其对紫穗槐幼苗根系活力,根系生长指标,根系酶活性的影响。与无菌苗相比,n1-15处理的根系四氧唑还原强度显著高于无菌幼苗,此外相比对照,nl-1处理的幼苗根总表面积显著提高了200.11%,nl-1和nl-11 nl-15处理的幼苗根直径显著提高40.24%、39.31%,nl-1处理的幼苗根体积显著提高319.48%,nl-11,nl-15 nl-1,nl-11 nl-15 nl-1处理的幼苗SOD总活性显著提高106.46%,93.77%和95.62%,n1-11和nl-11 nl-15 nl-1处理的幼苗POD总活性显著提高173.83%、183.34%,n1-11,nl-11 nl-15,nl-15 nl-1,nl-11 nl-15 nl-1处理的幼苗可溶性蛋白显著提高131.21%,63.62%,87.70%和175.06%,nl-11,nl-11 nl-15,nl-15 nl-1处理的幼苗CAT总活性显著提高126.33%,124.80%和55.36%,n1-1处理的幼苗CAT显著低于无菌幼苗10.65%。通过土壤菌施用,显著提高了根系活力,促进了根系生长,增强了根的代谢和吸收能力,增强了根系抗氧化能力,提高了根的耐旱性,增强了植株的抗逆性,使植物能在逆境中更好的生存下去。其中n1-15对增强根系活力效果最好,n1-1对促进根系生长效果最好,n1-11对根系酶活性的增强效果最好。

The research on effects of soil microbial on plant roots in wall spray seeding green


In order to increase integration of wall and spray seeding effectively, reveal influence mechanism of the different configuration of soil bacteria in spray seeding to plants, further screen better soil bacteria configuration mode. The research took the Amorpha fruticose, a shrub with a strong adaptability, as test materials. Bacillus thuringiensis (nl-11), gongronella butleri (nl-15) and streptomyces thermophilus (nl-1) were screened and had been applied for patent. They were configured to eight modes, which were without soil bacteria as control group, one species of soil bacteria, a mix of two species of soil bacteria, a mix of three species of soil bacteria. They were mixed into spray seeding matrix equally under glasshouse conditions with pot experiment. The effects of soil bacteria in spray seeding matrix on root activity, morphology of the root and enzymatic activity in A. fruticosa were observed respectively. The measured physiological parameters differed greatly in all seven seedings growing from the control group.Compared with the control treatment,the area of roots treated by nl-1 significantly increased 200.11%,dia of roots treated by n1-1 and nl-11 nl-15 significantly increased 40.24%、39.31%,volume of roots treated by n1-1 significantly increased 319.48%,SOD activity treated by nl-11,nl-15 nl-1,nl-11 nl-15 nl-1 significantly increased 106.46%,93.77% and 95.62%,POD activity treated by n1-11 and nl-11 nl-15 nl-1 significantly increased 173.83% and 183.34%,soluble protein treated by n1-11,nl-11 nl-15,nl-15 nl-1,nl-11 nl-15 nl-1 significantly increased 131.21%,63.62%,87.70% and 175.06%,CAT activity treated by nl-11,nl-11 nl-15,nl-15 nl-1 significantly increased 126.33%,124.80% and 55.36%, CAT activity treated by n1-1 significantly decreased 10.65%.Through soil bacteria treatment,the root activity of plants were significantly increased, soil bacteria can help root grow better ,enhance metabolism ,absorption and antioxidant capacity of the root,strengthen root of drought resistance ,and enhance the resistance of plants.The n1-15 had a significant effect on root activity,n1-1 do the best in the morphology of the root,n1-11 had a significant effect on enzymatic activity.

Key words: soil bacteria;Amorpha fruticosa;root activity; morphology of the root; enzymatic activity


前言 - 1 -

1 文献综述 - 2 -

1.1 国内外相关研究 - 2 -

2 实验内容设计 - 4 -

2.1 研究地概况与材料 - 4 -

2.2 实验设计与处理 - 4 -

2.2.1 基质的配置 - 4 -

2.2.2 土壤菌的制备 - 4 -

2.2.3 紫穗槐幼苗的培育 - 4 -

2.3 测定指标与方法 - 5 -

2.3.1 根系形态指标 - 5 -

2.3.2 根系活力 - 5 -

2.3.3 超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性测定 - 5 -

2.3.4 过氧化物酶(POD)活性测定 - 6 -

2.3.5 过氧化氢酶(cat)活性测定 - 6 -

2.3.6可溶性蛋白含量测定 - 7 -

2.4 数据的处理与分析 - 7 -

3 结果与分析 - 8 -

3.1不同土壤菌配制对紫穗槐幼苗根系活力的影响 - 8 -

3.2不同土壤菌配制对紫穗槐幼苗根系形态的影响 - 8 -

3.3不同土壤菌配制对紫穗槐幼苗酶活性的影响 - 9 -

4 结论与讨论 - 11 -

4.1不同土壤菌配制对紫穗槐幼苗根系活力及形态的影响 - 11 -

4.2不同土壤菌配制对紫穗槐幼苗酶活性的影响 - 11 -

致 谢 - 13 -

参考文献 - 13 -




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