摘 要
Yixing Hidden Valley International Hot Spring Tourism Holiday Soil and Water Conservation Plan
Based on the investigation of the natural conditions, socio-economic conditions, soil erosion and existing problems in the study area, and the background requirements of the current ecological civilization construction, this proposal refers to the water and soil conservation plan of the production construction project, Taked the Yixing Hidden Valley International Hot Spring Tourism Holiday as the main body, through the investigation and analysis of the local natural geography social economy and soil erosion. The research method adopted the methods discussed in the meeting, the analogy method, the data review method, the analogy method of other scheme papers, and the site survey method. From the planning of soil erosion control responsibility area, soil erosion prediction results, soil erosion prevention zones and measures overall layout, soil and water conservation monitoring, soil and water conservation investment budget and benefit analysis. The project construction area included construction and construction areas, roads, plazas and pipeline engineering areas, landscape green areas, construction and production and living areas, and temporary dumping areas. Measures such as soil erosion prediction, soil erosion engineering measures, soil and water conservation monitoring, and soil and water conservation measures system were carried out in these sub-districts. The preferred species of the present invention were weeping willow, sweetgum, black mulberry, cedar, cherry, etc., and grasses include ryegrass. And determined that 5 monitoring points are set. They were: one building and construction area, one road, square and pipeline engineering area, one green landscape area, one temporary earth-filling area, and one construction and living facilities area. The following indicators are determined according to national standards; the disturbance land management rate is 96%, the total soil erosion control degree is 99.5%, the soil erosion control ratio is 1.0, the slag blocking rate is 97%, the vegetation restoration rate is 99.5%, and the forest and grass coverage rate is up to 35%. According to the above conclusions on the analysis and evaluation of the main soil and water conservation and the conclusion of the program benefit analysis, from the perspective of soil and water conservation, the project construction is feasible.
Key words: Yixing Hidden; soil and water conservation;monitoring; soil and water conservation plan
目 录
1 综合说明 - 1 -
1.1研究目的与意义 - 1 -
1.2国内外研究拓展 - 2 -
2 项目区概况和内容 - 5 -
2.1项目区概况 - 5 -
2.2社会经济 - 5 -
2.3自然地理 - 5 -
2.4研究内容 - 6 -
2.5研究方法 - 6 -
3 主体工程土石方 - 7 -
3.1主体工程 - 7 -
3.2工程土石方 - 7 -
3.3建构筑物区基坑开挖回填 - 7 -
3.4表土剥离堆存 - 8 -
3.5道路、广场及管线工程区场地覆土平整 - 8 -
3.6景观绿地区景观绿化覆土 - 8 -
4 水土流失预防责任范围及分区 - 9 -
5 水土流失预测 - 10 -
5.1土壤侵蚀模数 - 10 -
5.2.可能造成的水土流失量预测 - 12 -
6 水土保持措施体系构建 - 14 -
6.1方案设计深度 - 14 -
6.2项目设计水平年 - 14 -
6.3项目水土流失防治标志 - 14 -
6.4项目水土流失防止目标值 - 14 -
6.5水土流失防治分区与措施总体布局 - 15 -
6.6工程措施 - 16 -
7 水土保持监测 - 21 -
7.1监测点位 - 21 -
7.1.1监测点布设 - 21 -
7.2监测内容 - 22 -
7.3监测时段 - 22 -
8 水土保持投资概算及效益分析 - 23 -
9 后续管理 - 24 -
10 结论建议 - 25 -
10.1结论 - 25 -
10.2对本项目的建议 - 26 -
致 谢 - 27 -
参考文献 - 28 -
图1 - 29 -
项目区现状图 - 29 -
图2 - 30 -
防治责任范围及分布图 - 30 -
图3 - 31 -
防治措施总体布局图 - 31 -
图4 - 32 -
监测点位布设图 - 32 -
1 综合说明
本项目的建设将进一步完善张渚镇的旅游格局,提升服务水平和档次,有效提升宜兴旅游接待能力,形成新的旅游经济增长点,满足游客日益增长的多层次需求,并且进一步提升“中国陶都、生态宜兴”的旅游品牌,使宜兴旅游在长三角区域和华东地区旅游市场的认知度大幅度提升。本方案目标将从综合防治水土流失角度出发, 对主体设计中欠缺的水保措施进行有效补充[1], 形成一个完整的水土保持综合防护体系, 可保障工程建立引发的水土流失得到有效防治, 从而达到项目建设可行的目的。
因为主体工程为短工期, 高上阵人数的施工方式, 因此将会占压原地貌, 当项目主体工程进入竣工期后, 施工场地开始清理和平整, 但种植的植被在短期内仍不可能形成覆盖, 不能发挥水土保持功能[2]。因此本项目将以尽量解决这些问题为目的意义进行编制。本项目的建设将进一步完善张渚镇的旅游格局,提升服务水平和档次,有效提升宜兴旅游接待能力,形成新的旅游经济增长点,满足游客日益增长的多层次需求,并且进一步提升“中国陶都、生态宜兴”的旅游品牌,使宜兴旅游在长三角区域和华东地区旅游市场的认知度大幅提升。