摘 要
Analysis of Tree Characteristics of Grafted Clones of Cunninghamia lanceolata
Cunninghamia lanceolata is one of the important afforestation species in southern China. Tree shape is a more important indicator for distinguishing different types of fine fir. This paper takes the fourth generation Cunninghamia lanceolata germplasm resource bank of Yangkou State-owned Forest Farm in Shunchang County, Nanping City, Fujian Province as the research goal, and takes the dry shape (tree height and DBH) and crown shape (crown width) of Cunninghamia lanceolata as the target traits. The tree characteristics were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) The overall data set was divided into 4 categories by cluster analysis, and the analysis was high-thin, high-fat, short-thin and short-skinned;(2) analysis by variance, The P values of tree height, DBH and crown width of the four categories were all lt;0.01, indicating that there were significant differences among different grafting clones; (3) The average values of tree height, DBH and crown width were 396.85. Cm, 19.83 cm, 224.16 cm, coefficient of variation is 18%, 20%, 24%. It can be seen from the data that the coefficient of variation of the three is not very large, among which the tree height is the smallest and the crown width is the largest, indicating that the crown width is most susceptible to growth during the growth process; (4) the correlation coefficient between tree height and DBH is 0.26, and the tree height is high. With a crown of 0.08 and a DBH and a crown of 0.12, the results indicate that the three are related in pairs. According to the above analysis, it is considered that the crown of Cunninghamia lanceolata, which is not tall, is wide, and most of the short fir crowns are relatively large. This study can provide a theoretical basis for the selection and distribution of parental maturity and germplasm resources for future mating designs.
Key words: Cunninghamia lanceolata;Featured tree;Tree feature;Phenotypic correlation
目 录
前言 5
材料与方法 7
2.1试验地概况 7
2.2试验材料 7
2.3性状度量和统计分析方法 8
2.3.1性状度量方法 8
2.3.2统计分析方法 8
2.4数据分析 9
结果与分析 10
3.1杉木生长性状正态性检验 10
3.2杉木树高、胸径与冠幅聚类分析 12
3.3杉木树高、胸径与冠幅方差分析 13
3.4杉木树高、胸径与冠幅变异系数分析 13
3.5杉木树高、胸径与冠幅相关系数分析 14
讨论 16
致谢 17
参考文献 18
杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook主要产于中国,是中国长江流域、秦岭以南地区栽培最广、生长快、经济价值高的用材树种。栽培区北起秦岭[10]南坡、河南桐柏山、安徽大别山、江苏句容、宜兴,南至广东信宜、广西玉林、龙津、云南广南、麻栗坡、屏边、昆明、会泽、大理,东自江苏南部、浙江、福建北部、西部山区,西至四川大渡河流域(泸定磨西面以东地区)及西南部安宁河流域。该树在土层肥厚,气候温暖多雨,排水良好的山地或河堤均生长迅速。因此长久以来杉木都是专家学者们最主要的研究对象之一。