摘 要
本研究围绕苦楝种质资源的地理变异,对 30个苦楝种源的果实、种核性状的变异规律进行了研究,分析了种源间和种源内的性状变异。主要结论如下:
1. 种源间及种源内苦楝果实大小存在显著差异。30个种源苦楝果实长均值为16.41 mm,最大的为湖南长沙种源,最小的为河北保定种源;果实宽均值为13.33 mm,最大的为江苏镇江种源,最小的为广东广州种源;果实果形系数均值为1.24,江苏邳州种源果形系数最大,为1.365,说明其果实最为狭长,最小的为河北保定种源,为1.033,说明其果实近圆形。
2、种源间及种源内苦楝种核大小及种核百粒重和体积存在显著差异。种核长均值为13.26 mm,湖南长沙种源种核长最大,江苏句容种源最小;种核宽均值为8.99 mm,江苏镇江种源种核最宽,最小的为江苏句容种源;百粒重、种核体积均值分别为49.89g和0.48cm3,湖南长沙种源百粒重最大,广东广州和汕头种源最小;江苏苏州种源种核体积最大,广州汕头种源体积最小
3. 30个苦楝种源表型性状变异程度高,8个表型性状种源内变异系数平均为8.57%-12.67%,种源间变异达到7.53%-18.57%,种源内和种源间均存在丰富的表型形状变异。
4. 苦楝种源表型性状的平均表型分化系数为33.57%,说明苦楝表型变异在种源间的贡献占33.57%,种源内的贡献占66.43%,种源内变异显著高于种源间的变异,种源内变异是苦楝的主要变异来源。
5. 伴随地理气候因子的梯度变异,苦楝种源间各表型性状呈梯度变异,但相关系数不显著。
6. 利用欧式平均距离法进行聚类分析,将30个苦楝种源分为四类,第一类果实个大、种核宽大、质量大,体积大;第二类果实和果核均较圆;第三类果实和果核狭长,呈长卵圆形;第四类果实小、种核小、百粒重小。
Study on the Phenotypic Diversity of Traits of Fruit and Stone of Provenance Geographic Variation of Melia azedarach
Taking 30 geographical provenances of Melia azedarach as research objects,variation status of phenotypic traits were analyzed.
Results show that there were extremely significant differencecs in size of fruit among and within provenances.Average value of size was16.41 mm,while the largest is the provenance of Changsha in Hunan, and the lowest is 13.33 mm in the Baoding, Hebei, and the largest was the provenance of Zhenjiang in Jiangsu. The fruit shape coefficient of fruit is 1.24, and the fruit shape coefficient of Pizhou in Jiangsu is the largest, which is 1.365, which indicate that the fruit is the most narrow and the smallest is the provenance of Hebei Baoding, 1.033, which indicated that the fruit is nearly circular.
There are significant differences in stone size and stone weight and volume of Neisseria species in
provenances and provenances. The results show that the stone length is 13.26 mm, the highest is the highest in the provenances of the provenances of Hunan, hundred-grain weight and stone weight are 49.89g and
0.48cm3, respectively. The seed germplasm of Hunan is the largest in Guangdong, and the provenances of
provenances in Jiangsu and Shantou are the highest.
The variability of the phenotypic traits of the 30 provenances is high, and the variation coefficients of the eight phenotypic traits are 8.57% -12.67%, and the inter-species variation is 7.53% -18.57%. There are existed between provenances and provenances Rich phenotypic variation.
The average phenotypic differentiation coefficient of the phenotypic traits of Melia azedarach is 33.57%, indicating that the contribution of phenotypic variation is about 33.57% and 66.43%, respectively. The
variation of provenance is significantly higher than that of provenances Of variation, provenance variation
is the main source of variation of Melia azedarach.
With the gradient of geographical climatic factors, the phenotypic traits of Melia azedarach is different, but the correlation coefficient is not significant.
Using the European average distance method for cluster analysis, 30 species of Genus species are divided into four groups, the first type of fruit is large, the stone was large, the quality is large and the volume is large. The second type of fruit and fruit stone are round ; The third type of fruit and the fruit is long and
narrow, long oval; fourth type of fruit is small, small stone, hundred-grain weight small.
Key words : Melia azedarach;Provenance;character variation;phenotypic diversity
引言 1
1 研究概况 2
1.1林木地理变异研究 2
1.2林木种源试验 3
1.3苦楝地理变异与遗传改良研究 3
2.材料与方法 5
2.1供试种源 5
2.2果实的处理 7
2.3 测定方法 8
2.4数据处理 8
3 结果与分析 9
3.1苦楝果实、种核性状变异特征及差异分析 9
3.1.1不同种源苦楝果实性状差异分析 9
3.1.2不同种源苦楝种核性状差异分析 10
3.1.3不同种源苦楝种核百粒重和种核体积差异分析 12
3.1.4不同种源苦楝果实、种核表型性状在种源间和种源内的差异分析 13
3.2不同种源苦楝表型性状的形态变异特征分析 14
3.3不同种源苦楝果实、种核性状的表型分化分析 17
3.4不同种源苦楝果实、种核性状与地理环境因子的相关性分析 18
3.5 不同种源苦楝果实、种核性状聚类分析 19
4讨论 21
4.1表型性状变异分析 21
4.2 表型多样性变异分析 21
4.3表型性状与地理气候因子相关性 22
4.4 聚类分析 22
4.5苦楝的遗传改良与良种选育 22
5小结 23
参考文献 23
1 研究概况
同一树种分布在不同环境里,由于长期受不同自然环境条件的影响和基因交流的限制,在生态适应过程中种内群体间在各种性状上发生遗传分化,造成林木种内地理变异。研究林木种内地理变异,揭示变异的基本规律,对于提高树木改良效果,合理区划种子调拨范围具有重要意义(陈晓阳 等,2005;Whit et al.,2007)。我国从1981年开始,进行众多树种的种源试验,开展了各个树种的地理变异规律研究,在此基础上进行种子区划。种源研究对于指导造林种子调拨,达到适地适种源的目的,发挥了重要的作用(陈晓阳 等,2005)。