摘 要
Diameter Distribution and Spatial Structure of Poplar Plantation in Northern Jiangsu Province
In this study, poplar plantations under different density conditions(3m×8m、5m×5m、4.5m×8m、6m×6m) in Chenyu Forest Farm of Sihong County, Jiangsu Province were used as research objects. Based on the survey data of 18 representative standard plots, the relative diameter method and Weibull distribution were used to study the diameter distribution. The spatial structure parameters of the stand: the competition index, the angular scale and the size ratio are used to study the spatial structure, to understand the structural characteristics of the stand, to analyze whether the current stand structure is optimized, and to further improve the spatial structure of the plantation. Management provides the foundation. The main conclusions are as follows:
(1) In the fitting of diameter distribution, the fitting results of relative diameter method and Weibull distribution are very similar. The fitting effect of 3m×8m stand density is the best, and R2 reaches 0.9983 and 0.9997 respectively.
(2) In the spatial structure analysis, the size ratio indicates that the growth potential of the 6m×6m stand density is in a relatively dominant state, indicating that the DBH and tree height growth are dominant in this density configuration.
(3) The angular scale indicates that the density of each forest density is uniformly distributed in the standard area, and it is in the state of random distribution, and the distribution of clusters is the least. The uniform distribution of the density of 6m×6m stands is the most in the population.
(4) The competition index of 6m×6m stand density is the smallest, which is dominant in the growth of stand; the competition index of 3m×8m stand density is the highest, indicating that the forest competition under this forest density is fierce. There are also relatively many competitive disturbances.
Key words:Diameter distribution;Weibull distribution;neighborhood comparison ;uniform angle index;competitive indexes
目 录
1 前言 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究目的和意义 1
1.3国内外研究概况 2
1.3.1地面三维激光扫描技术国内外发展概况 2
1.3.2 林分直径分布国内外研究概况 2
1.3.3空间结构国内外研究概况 3
2 研究材料与方法 4
2.1研究区概况 4
2.1.1自然地理概况 4
2.1.2森林资源概况 4
2.2数据来源 4
2.2.1数据采集 4
2.2.2数据整理 4
2.3研究主要方法 5
2.3.1林分直径分布 5
2.3.2林分空间结构分析 6
3 林分直径分布研究 9
3.1林分直径分布规律 9
3.1.1不同林分密度对林木直径的影响 9
3.1.2不同林分密度直径分布 9
3.2相对直径法分析 10
3.3Weibull分布分析 11
4 林分空间结构分析 13
4.1林分大小比数 14
4.1.1胸径大小比数 14
4.1.2树高大小比数 16
4.2林分角尺度 18
4.3竞争指数 19
5 结论与讨论 20
5.1结论 20
5.2讨论 20
致 谢 22
参考文献 23
1 前言