摘 要
本文旨在研究发酵元宝枫叶对育肥猪生产性能和肉猪胴体性状的影响。对照组饲喂基础日粮,两个试验组分别在基础饲粮的基础上用12%未发酵元宝枫叶粉末(UFA组)和发酵元宝枫叶粉末(FA组)替代等量的麸皮。预试期7 d,正试期63 d。采用单因素随机设计,将48头胎次、初始体重[(55.20±1.40) kg]、日龄基本一致的“杜×长×大”育肥猪(公母各占1/2,全部去势)随机分为3个组,每组4个重复,每个重复4头猪。开始前对试验猪进行测重,编号,分组。随后对试验猪进行试验管理条件一致的隔离饲养,结束前一天进行限饲,最后一天对试验猪进行胴体性状测定。试验期间对数据记录和统计。试验结果表明,与对照组相比,UFA组和FA组的育肥猪第1~28天、第29~63、第1~63天的ADG分别增加了3.03%和2.65%、1.98%和3.63%、2.51%和3.14%(Plt;0.05);FA组的ADG与UFA组的相比无显著差异(Pgt;0.05)。各组育肥猪的ADFI和F/G无显著差异(Pgt;0.05)。饲粮中添加发酵元宝枫叶对育肥猪的屠宰率、平均背膘厚和眼肌面积均无显著影响(Pgt;0.05)。结合发酵前后元宝枫叶主要营养成分含量的变化,生产性能的提高可能是由于添加元宝枫叶后,饲料中蛋白质、还原糖、氨基酸等活性物质含量的增加。
关键词: 发酵元宝枫,肉猪,生产性能,胴体性状
The effect of fermented Acer Truncatum leaves on the production performance in finishing pigs.
This paper aims to study the effect of fermented Acer Truncatum leaves on the production performance and carcass traits in finishing pigs. Pigs in the control groups were fed with the basal diet, and pigs in the two experimental groups were supplemented with 12% unfermented Acer Truncatum leaves (UFA group) and 12% fermented Acer Truncatum leaves (FA group), respectively, instead of the equal amount of bran. The pre-test period is 7d and the trial period is 63d. The single factor random design is used. Forty eight Du × long × big finishing pigs with similar days of age and body weight (initial body weight 55.20±1.40) kg) were selected and randomly assigned to 3 groups with 4 replicates per group and 4 pigs per replicate. The test pigs were weighed, numbered and grouped before the study beginning. Subsequently, the test pigs were kept in isolation with consistent management conditions. The pigs were Limited feeding the day before the end of the day, and the carcass traits were measured on the last day. Data records and statistics during the trial period. The results of showed that, during the day 1~28, day 29~63 and day 1~63, ADG of the pigs in UFA and FA group were higher than the control group by 3.03% and 2.65%, 1.98% and 3.63%, 2.51% and 3.14% (Plt;0.05), respectively. ADG did not differ between group FA and UFA (Pgt;0.05). NO significant difference were observed on ADFI and F/G among the three treatments. There were no significant effect on the slaughter rate, average back fat thickness and the area of the eye muscle among the treatments (Pgt;0.05). Comprehensively considering the changes of main nutritional components in leaves of Acer Truncatum before and after fermentation, the improvement of production performance of pigs may be due to the increacement of the active substance content in the leaves of Acer Truncatum, such as, protein, reducing sugar, amino acid, et al.
Keywords: fermented Acer Truncatum leaves, finishing pig, production performance, carcass traits
目 录
研究背景 1
1 文献综述 1
1.1 元宝枫叶的研究概况 1
1.1.1 元宝枫叶的概述 1
1.1.2 元宝枫叶的药理有效成分 1
1.2 发酵技术研究概况 2
1.2.1 发酵技术的发展 2
1.2.2 发酵技术的定义 2
1.2.3 发酵技术的应用 2 发酵技术在中草药研究方面的应用 2 发酵技术在食品上的应用 3 发酵技术在饲料加工中的应用 3 发酵中草药作为饲料添加剂的发展 3
1.3 微生物发酵中药饲料添加剂的研究趋势 4
1.4 在动物营养上的研究概况 4
1.4.1发酵饲料对动物生长的促进作用 4
1.4.2发酵饲料对育肥猪的影响 4
2 材料与方法 5
2.1元宝枫叶发酵物的制备及其有效成分分析 5
2.2试验实际试验动物 5
2.3试验饲料与饲养管理 5
2.4指标测定与方法 7
2.4.1 生产性能 7
2.4.2 胴体性状 7
2.5 数据统计与分析 7
3 结果与分析 7
3.1元宝枫叶发酵前后主要营养成分含量的变化 7
3.2发酵元宝枫叶对育肥猪生产性能的影响 8
3.3发酵元宝枫叶对于肥猪胴体性状的影响 10
4 讨论 10
4.1元宝枫叶发酵前后主要营养成分含量的变化的讨论 10
4.2发酵元宝枫叶对于肥猪生产性能的影响 11
致谢 11
参考文献 12