摘 要
Four types of salt tolerance were compared
This study adopts the method of pot to Virginia oak, suma oak, oak leaves, 4 kinds of oak natalya oak annual potted the west as the research material, use water salt solution method to study its salt resistance, salt processing concentration of contrast CK respectively (0.0%), mild stress T1 T2 (0.5%) (0.3%), severe stress (mass fraction NaCl accounted for the proportion of soil dry weight) 3 concentration gradient, salt injury symptoms were observed and measured the plants, seedling height, ground diameter, malondialdehyde (MDA) and relative conductivity, proline, soluble sugar and other indicators, and USES the method of subordinate function tree of salt resistance comprehensive evaluation. The results show that: (1) under the stress of different salt concentration, four tree species with different degrees of salt injury symptoms, and with the increase of concentration of salt stress, the victim was significantly worse. Virginia oak was growing well under duress, and the effect of salt stress on Virginia oak was not significant at 0.5%. The short-term stress has little effect on the growth of shumar oak, but the long-term stress is very bad for its growth. Willows oak and nalta oak can adapt to the short-term stress, but with increased duress, they are significantly more victimized and die under prolonged heavy duress. (2) The salt stress significantly inhibited the four oak seedling high relative growth, at the same time significantly inhibited the suma natalya oak of oak, oak leaves, and the ground diameter of relative growth, 0.3% salt treatment on Virginia oak ground diameter relative growth effect is not significant. Four tree species (3) under salt stress, the relative conductivity and MDA content showed a rising trend overall, and with the increase of salinity and stress time further. Under different concentrations of salt stress, the different degrees of damage tree cell membrane system, including cell membrane system suffer less Virginia oak, oak leaves and natalya oak suffer heavier, suma medium oak. (4) Virginia oak, suma oak and oak leaves proline content in the treatment of salt in general are on the rise, this is normal physiology reaction, plants could improve the salt tolerance ability. With the increase of the stress concentration, the amount of proline changes greatly. The proline content of natta oak is not sensitive to salt stress. As the concentration of salt was increased and the processing time was extended, the soluble sugar content in each tree was increasing in general. (5) Using the method of subordinate function synthetically evaluation, Virginia oak salt-tolerant ability is stronger, medium suma oak, oak and natalya oak leaves, and poor salt tolerance ability.
Keywords: Oak; Salt stress; Salt resistance. Differences; Salt resistance evaluation
目 录
引言 1
1 研究概况 2
1.1盐碱地绿化的研究进展 2
1.2 耐盐种质筛选和评价 3
1.2.1 林木耐盐性生长指标鉴定 3
1.2.2 林木耐盐性形态指标鉴定 4
1.2.3 树木耐盐碱性生理生化指标鉴定 5
1.2.4 耐盐植物筛选 6
1.2.5 抗盐碱种质资源的评价及选育 7
2 材料与方法 9
2.1 材料 9
2.2 试验设计 9
2.3 方法 9
2.3.1 生长指标的测定 9
2.3.2 电导率的测定 10
2.3.3 丙二醛(MDA)的测定 10
2.3.4 可溶性糖的测定 10
2.3.5 脯氨酸含量的测定 10
2.4 耐盐性综合评价 12
3 结果与分析 12
3.1 盐胁迫对各树种生长状况的影响 12
3.1.1 盐胁迫条件下各供试树种的盐害症状 12
3.1.2 盐胁迫对各供试树种苗高和地径的影响 13
3.2 盐胁迫对各供试树种膜系统的影响 13
3.2.1 盐胁迫对各供试树种细胞膜透性的影响 13
3.2.2 盐胁迫对各供试丙二醛含量(MDA)的影响 14
3.3 盐胁迫对各供试树种渗透调节物质的影响 15
3.3.1 盐胁迫对各树种脯氨酸含量的影响 15
3.3.2 盐胁迫对各树种可溶性糖含量的影响 16
3.5 耐盐性综合评价 17
4 讨论 19
5 结论 20
致谢 22
参考文献 23
我国沿海各省、市、自治区有约1.8万km的滨海地带和岛屿沿岸,广泛分布着各种滨海盐土,总面积可达500万hm2,主要包括长江以北的山东、河北、辽宁等省及江苏北部的海滨冲积平原及长江以南的浙江、福建、广东等省沿海一带的部分地区(徐恒刚,2004)。重新开发和利用盐碱地资源,是进一步挖掘农业发展潜力的一条重要出路,而推广和选用耐盐植物是改良和利用大面积盐碱土壤最为经济、快捷的措施之一,因此,研究植物的耐盐性及其机理具有重要的理论和现实意义。对非盐生植物来说,盐胁迫下产生的一系列生长和生理生化适应性变化是植物耐盐性的重要标志,其中生物量的变化、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)活性和丙二醛(MDA)、可溶性蛋白、脯氨酸含量以及植物对Na 、K 的选择性吸收程度的高低等是影响植物耐盐能力的重要因素。常绿乔木佛吉尼亚栎是美国沿海硬阔林和灌丛林地的重要组成树种。2000年从美国引进后,在浙江慈溪、上虞以及上海等地进行了广泛试种及推广,在沿海地区表现出很强的适应能力,能够抗风、耐盐碱,因而成为该地区沿海防护林建设中的重要树种。近年来国内大力引种、发展柳叶栎、沼生红栎、纳塔栎、猩红栎、沼生栎、佛吉尼亚栎,但对于上述栎类的耐盐性大小及耐盐机理方面的研究几乎没有,因此有必要对盐胁迫下上述栎类的生长状况及生理生化变化进行深入研究,对于了解上述栎类引种后的适应性及其大面积栽培和开发利用,具有深远的科学意义和经济价值。
1 研究概况